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Safe and Healthy Families ECHO

Child Abuse Prevention Education, Resources, & Support


Kali Scott
Series Coordinator

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2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursdays
12 - 1 pm (MT)
September - June

Registration Link

About Us

The Safe and Healthy Families (SHF) ECHO brings experts in child physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, child welfare, and ethics together to present on a diversity of topics of interest to those who work with potentially abused children. Topics will be of interest to healthcare providers who care for children (pediatricians, family medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, social workers, mental health providers, child welfare workers and administrators, and lawyers.  Learners in these disciplines are invited and encouraged to attend and participate to create a multidisciplinary learning community.

Participants are awarded 1.0 hour of ACCME Category CME credit at no cost for each 1.0 hour of live sessions attended. Full instructions for claiming CME are available in the CME Learner Information Packet.

ECHO Model 

The ECHO learning model features case-based learning. Case presentations allow for a collaborative learning environment where everyone has an opportunity to learn, and everyone has an opportunity to teach. If you are having trouble diagnosing a patient, need help determining a treatment plan, or are looking for support, you may consider submitting a case.


January 9, 2025 Mandated Supporting (MS) Talk Christopher Greeley, MD, MS, FAAP
January 23, 2025 MS Panel James Lukefahr, MD
Steven Kairys, MD, FAAP
Sara Kilbride, DO, RN, MA
January 30, 2025 MS Ethics Session - not recorded Larissa Hines, MD, FAAP
February 13, 2025 By the Author: Ophthalmology Examinations in Children with Skull Fractures and Underlying Focal Hemorrhage Karlie Breeden, MD
February 27, 2025 Interpreting SA Verena Brown, MD
March 13, 2025 Normal Sexual Development Verena Brown, MD
March 27, 2025 PSB and PSB in Courts Natalie Kissoon, MD
April 24, 2025 TBA Andrea Asnes, MD
May 8, 2025 Medical Child Abuse (MCA) Talk James Metz, MD
May 22, 2025 MCA Panel Katie Johnson, MD
Margaret Russell, MD
Shalon Nienow, MD
May 29, 2025 MCA Ethics: When the Child Drives Care - not recorded Larissa Hines, MD, FAAP
June 12, 2025 Hematology Concerns in Child Abuse Pediatrics Jim Anderst, MD
Shannon Carpenter, MD
June 26, 2025 TBA TBA

Watch A Recent Session


 Presenter (s)
December 12, 2024 Blood in the Diaper - Considerations and Differentials - Video Katherine Hayes, MD, FACOG
November 14, 2024 By the Author: "U.S. State rates of newborns reported to child protection at birth for prenatal substance exposure" Rebecca Rebbe, PhD, MSW, EdM
October 31, 2024 Child Torture Ethics Session - not recorded Tagrid Ruiz-Maldonado, MD, MS, FAAP
October 24, 2024 Child Torture Panel - not recorded Detective Ben Martin, PhD, MS
Erin O'Brien, Esq.
Suzanne Starling, MD
October 10, 2024 "Understanding Child Torture" - not recorded Stephanie Anne Deutsch, MD, MS, MSCR, FAAP
September 26, 2024 "Improving Quality Improvement: Lessons Learned from a Statewide Non-Accidental Trauma QI Initiative" - Video Kristin Garton Crichton, DO, MPH
September 12, 2024 "Trends in Toxicology and Novel Drugs - Pediatric Considerations" - Video Michael Moss, MD, FAACT

See More

Clinical Team

Kristine Campbell, MD, MSc


Division of Child Protection and Family Health

Department of Pediatrics

Staff profile

Antoinette Laskey, MD, MPH, MBA


Division of Child Protection and Family Health

Department of Pediatrics

Staff profile

Resources and References

American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Child Abuse and Neglect
Policy and Practice Statements

American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Foster Care, Adoption, and Kinship Care
Policy and Practice Statements

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) is a nonprofit, national organization focused on meeting the needs of professionals engaged in all aspects of services for maltreated children and their families. Especially important to APSAC is the dissemination of state-of-the-art practice in all professional disciplines related to child abuse and neglect. The New York Foundling, whose mission offers an expansive array of services for under-served children, families, and adults with developmental disabilities provides the resources necessary to rebuild lives and rebuild families.

Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC)  
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides information, research resources and programs to prevent child maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences (ACE). The Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A Technical Package for Policy, Norm, and Programmatic Activities represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help prevent child abuse and neglect.

Darkness to Light
Darkness to Light is a primary prevention program whose mission is to engage adults in the prevention of child sexual abuse; to reduce the incidence of child sexual abuse nationally through education and public awareness aimed at adults; and to provide adults with information to recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.

Futures Without Violence
Futures Without Violence is a health and social justice nonprofit with a simple mission: to heal those among us who are traumatized by violence today – and to create healthy families and communities free of violence tomorrow. From domestic violence and child abuse, to bullying and sexual assault, our groundbreaking programs, policy development, and public action campaigns are designed to prevent and end violence against women and children around the world. Striving to reach new audiences and transform social norms, we train professionals such as doctors, nurses, judges, and athletic coaches on improving responses to violence and abuse. We also work with advocates, policy makers, and others to build sustainable community leadership and educate people everywhere about the importance of respect and healthy relationships.

National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome (NCSBS) offers information on shaken baby syndrome, shaken baby syndrome prevention programs, and training for professionals and parents nationwide.

Nurse-Family Partnership
The Nurse-Family Partnership represents an approach to the long-established service strategy of the home visiting model that improves the health and social functioning of low income, first-time mothers, their babies, and families. in new window)

Parents As Teachers
Parents as Teachers helps organizations and professionals work with parents during the critical early years of their children's lives, from conception to kindergarten. Parents as Teachers develops curricula that support a parent's role in promoting school readiness and healthy development of children. Providers are offered practical, hands-on applications for parents in real-world situations. in new window)

Prevent Child Abuse America  
Prevent Child Abuse America is the nation’s oldest and largest organization committed to preventing child abuse and neglect before it happens. They promote programs and resources informed by science that enable kids, families and entire communities to thrive—today, tomorrow and for generations to come. ​

Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK) aims to strengthen families, support parents and parenting, and thereby promote children's health, development and safety — and help prevent child abuse and neglect.

Zero to Three's mission is to promote the healthy development of our nation's infants and toddlers by supporting and strengthening families, communities, and those who work on their behalf. Zero to Three is dedicated to advancing current knowledge, promoting beneficial policies and practices, communicating research and best practices to a wide variety of audiences, and providing training, technical assistance, and leadership development.